First Year Revision Lectures
This page contains all First Year Revision Lectures held by the society. The videos are grouped by module and each video is placed in descending order, with the latest version at the top of the category. Some videos will also have the written notes accessible below the video player.
Modules that no longer exist (but are part of newer modules) are placed in the archive.
Note: throughout the 2022/23 and 2023/24 academic years, Physics modules are getting revised. Please click here to go to the Archive section of this page, containing the older videos, and what modules they now correspond to.
Take care to make sure content being covered in these older videos matches the new syllabus.
PX154 Physics Foundations
PX155 Classical Mechanics and Special Relativity
PX156 Quantum Phenomena
PX157 Electricity and Magnetism
PX158 Astronomy
PX149 Mathematics for Physicists
This module is now part of PX153 Mathematics for Physicists
PX101 Quantum Phenomena
This module is now part of PX156 Quantum Phenomena
PX120 Electricity and Magnetism
This module is now part of PX157 Electricity and Magnetism
PX144 Introduction to Astronomy
This module is now part of PX158 Astronomy
PX145 Physics Foundations
This module is now part of PX154 Physics Foundations
PX147 Introduction to Particle Physics
This module is now part of PX156 Quantum Phenomena
PX148 Classical Mechanics and Special Relativity
This module is now part of PX155 Classical Mechanics and Special Relativity