Every Thursday at 6pm in Room PS1.28 (straight after academic support), we host our weekly PhysCafés!
Keep an eye on Discord and Instagram for any timetable/room changes.
On this page are resources, links and presentations related to each week's talk.
---------------- Term 1 ----------------
Term 1, Week 1: Machine learning of phases and structures for model systems in physics - Rudo Roemer
Term 1, Week 2: Gradcracker Careers Talk + Hyperloop - Jessica Luck (Gradcracker)
Term 1, Week 3: [Title TBC] - Timothy Gershon
Term 1, Week 4: Symmetry Breaking-Induced Functionalities - Marin Alexe
Term 1, Week 5: Why paperclips bend: a story of dislocations and other defects - Thomas Hudson
Term 1, Week 6: Extreme objects in cosmology - Siri Chongchitnan (Maths)
Term 1, Week 7: 2D twistronics - electronic interactions between two-dimensional materials - Neil Wilson
Term 1, Week 8: Can we capture electrochemical reactions at the atomic level? - Alex Robertson
Term 1, Week 9: [TBC]
Term 1, Week 10: The DUNE Neutrino Oscillation Experiment - Gary Barker
---------------- Term 2 ----------------
Term 2, Week 1: The Devil's Work - Gavin Bell
Term 2, Week 2: Solid-State NMR: Using Big Magnets to Characterise Pharmaceuticals and Plant Cell Walls - Steven Brown
Term 2, Week 3: Using cutting-edge imaging detectors to study neutrinos - John Marshall
Term 2, Week 4: Studying Solar Energy Materials with Ultrafast Spectroscopy - Rebecca Milot
Term 2, Week 5: Diamonds are for everything! - Mark Newton
Term 2, Week 6: Glasses & Ceramics - Susan Burrows
Term 2, Week 7: [Title TBC] - Michal Kreps
Term 2, Week 8: Polaritonic enhancement of optoelectronic properties in halide perovskites - Adam Wright
Term 1, Week 9: [Title TBC] - Katarzyna Macieszczak
Term 1, Week 10: Status and Future of Higgs studies at LHC - William John Murray