Undergraduate Research Support Scheme
If you are looking to get research experience over summer then a project through the Undergraduate Research Support Scheme is worth looking into. Projects are typically 6-10 weeks long and many academics will already have ideas for research that undergraduates can get involved in. Find an area that looks interesting to you and ask research staff or lecturers working in that area. If you have any questions, look out for talks about URSS and internships in the PhysCafe schedule. More information about the scheme and the application process can be found here.
On this page, students have blogged about their experiences from their projects. Many students produce a poster as their final output, some of which are linked to on this page. This is displayed at a showcase event in November.
If you have completed a URSS or Summer Research project with the Warwick Department of Physics and want to share your progress, simply submit your poster/slides/documentation here and we will add it below!